Donations to IC School are accepted at any time and are very appreciated! Below are some specific examples of ways you can donate.
Donate to the IC School Appeal! This can be done through the regular Sunday collection by marking IC School Appeal on your envelope or giving online at the parish's online giving site: These donations are put into our annual fundraising efforts which need to raise at least $200,000 each year.
Donate to the IC Endowment Fund. This fund was set up to provide for the long-term needs of the parish in educating our youth through the school and religious education program. Each year a portion of the interest is drawn off this account to help in our school budget and the remainder is re-invested in the fund to keep it growing. Contact Lindsey Lunz, parish busness manager, to make a donation to the endowment fund. 419-586-6648 or
Donate to the Catholic Education Foundations' Scholarship Granting Organization. If designated for IC School, the funds will provide scholarship money to help families afford an IC School education and can also provide a great tax benefit to Ohio families. Gifts can be made online or mailed in! See this website for more information: